
Over 3.7 billion people around the world have email accounts. That’s why email marketing is essential for businesses.


People check their emails daily for new deals – I know I do! 


Statistics and numbers are clear. Email marketing is one of the most effective ways for companies to connect with their existing client base and potential customers.


Why Is Email Marketing Vital for Businesses?


scrabble letters


Emails are a smart way to communicate as they can be custom-tailored to the needs of their recipients. With the right email marketing strategy, companies can hope to:


  • Promote their brand, services, and products
  • Contact prospective customers
  • Improve their relationship with their clientele
  • Earn the loyalty and repeat business of customers


Companies don’t need to tackle the abovementioned goals, one email, one recipient at a time. With the right strategy, they can execute a successful email marketing campaign, which allows them to attain the desired objectives.


However, having such a complex project on their daily do-to list can be inconvenient for businesses, especially for start-ups and smaller companies.


How to Properly Do It?

Working with an experienced marketing agency can shorten the planning and execution process considerably. To help with your endeavour, I have put together a list of the basics that should be done. So you can know what to expect from us.


People in an office


1. Clear goals – In collaboration with marketing agencies, companies should set clear, reasonable, and achievable objectives. Aiming for the stars without first landing on the moon is never a good idea.


2. Data Collection – Understanding what engages customers is pivotal to drafting a coherent email marketing strategy. Working with marketers will enable you to conduct tests and trials to gather information about your customers and their preferences. Collecting the correct data ensures a campaign is optimised.


3. Consultation and review – Always have your strategy reviewed by professionals. Email marketing trends are constantly evolving. Consulting with marketers will provide you with valuable information. It will allow you to define an approach up to par with the latest standards and customer behaviours.


4. Set a target group – The only way for a marketing campaign to work is to establish an honest one-on-one relationship with hundreds of individuals. Defining a target audience will enable you to choose a personalised approach designed for its specific recipients.


5. Alterations – It’s never too late to change a strategy if it’s not delivering the projected results. Working with professionals will make the transition quicker, smoother, and more manageable.


Great Email Marketing Examples



Uber relies on simplicity to reach its audience. Their emails aren’t wordy. Instead, they go straight to the point.

Uber mail


Their campaign is designed for fast-paced customers who scan content rapidly. It features a catchy title, a brief service description, and a straightforward Call to Action (CTA). Their email theme is also in line with their brand image.   



In this example, Nike targets an upcoming special day – Father’s Day. It uses an email with an appropriate product image. The clever, simplistic copy contributes to the campaign’s message.


Nike email


Their strategy is a reminder that less is more, especially when creating an effective email marketing campaign.


Taylor Stitch

Taylor Stitch is a popular men’s clothing brand. But unlike other fashion companies, they don’t flood their subscribers’ inboxes with tips and advice on menswear. 


Instead, they rely on an unpretentious email marketing strategy. Their emails simply introduce their latest collections with all the important information, like the number of items and price.


Taylor Stitch email


This way, their customers and potential clients are made aware of the available products, which they can buy at their earliest convenience.



Few companies use a minimalistic email copy better than Airbnb. They rarely do promotions. They ask their users to take surveys based on their experience.


Airbnb email


This strategy aims to make customers feel like their opinion is valued. The design used by Airbnb for its campaigns is clean, while the CTA is on point.


Rip Curl 

Australian retailer and surfing sportswear manufacturer Rip Curl has grown exponentially since the turn of the century. Today, it’s a globally recognised brand which keeps expanding through quality products and clever marketing tactics.


Rip Curl email


One of their most successful email marketing campaigns focused on their surfer wristwatch, which could monitor distance and speed. With a basic yet enthralling headline – Join the Revolution – Rip Curl managed to win new customers and generate sales. 


Why? Because people wanted to know more about the revolution.



At D&D, we give credit where credit is due. Despite being competitive, we cannot deny Litmus’ ingenuity regarding email marketing campaigns. They mix copy, videos, and GIFs to create unique and entertaining content.


Litmus email


Here, Litmus is attempting to reconnect with subscribers who haven’t checked their emails for a while. It’s a sublime example of how respecting their customers’ time and privacy can help companies gain their trust and loyalty.


Email marketing has been a dependable revenue stream for businesses for a long time. Add it to your toolkit with the help of D&D marketing.