Image with onomatopoeia

In today’s fast-paced, competitive business landscape, companies constantly seek new ways to reach their audiences and attract new customers. 


Using written advertisements to convince people they need a specific product or service is as old as times. But more than simply stringing words into sentences is required!


Let’s be honest and admit it! Most websites have terrible product descriptions. This is because they use old-fashioned, repetitive content and advertisement creation methods. But it doesn’t have to be that way.


However, before we share our writing tips with you, let’s start with the basics.


What Is a Product Description?


Simply put, a product description is a marketing copy explaining why a product or service is worth purchasing. Such materials give customers important information about key benefits and features, persuading them to spend money.


What Are Good Product Descriptions?


Good product descriptions create the sensation that the company speaks directly to potential buyers. Mixing quality writing with creativity makes content more compelling, leading to more conversions, which is excellent for business. 


Furthermore, well-crafted product descriptions answer several essential questions, such as


  • What problems does the product/service solve?
  • What are the specs of the product/service?
  • What do customers gain from the product/service?
  • What makes the product/service more than the competition?
  • What’s the story of the product/service?


Now that we’ve covered the basics, here are SEVEN rules for writing WOWzy product descriptions that sell.


1. Know The Audience


The first and arguably most important step in writing good product descriptions is defining the target audience.

woman presenting a product

Experienced and skilled writers put themselves in the shoes of casual shoppers. The goal is to avoid creating wishy-washy copies that address no one.

The best descriptions speak to target audiences personally and directly. Formulating phrases as questions and answers is an effective trick, creating the illusion of a conversation. Also, writing in the first person is better, especially when selling tangible objects.


2. Highlight The Benefits


Different products have different qualities. It’s crucial to create descriptions that show the benefits of a particular service or item. 


However, the copy shouldn’t focus on mundane features. Instead, it should point out unique and innovative aspects that set the product apart from its competitors. This type of information is a factual statement that provides technical data, hence, tells the buyer how it would improve their life.


3. Avoid Common Expressions


Expressions like “superb product quality” are known as “yeah, yeah” phrases among copywriters as everyone uses them. Furthermore, they often have the opposite of the desired effect, as no self-respecting organisation would ever advertise their services as average or poor, and customers know that.

Using such sentences and expressions instantly makes content less persuasive. To avert this, copies should be as specific as possible. The more information is provided, the better. Plus, it makes writing much more effortless. 


4. Opt for Natural Language and Tone


There is a thin line between copies that sound natural and copies that sound like a computer-generated string of words. The best way to determine whether an article sounds good is to read it aloud.

If it feels like something friends would say to one another, everything is perfect. On the other hand, if it sounds like a forced dialogue. It’s time to inject a little life into the promotional content. 


A consistent, natural tone that matches a brand’s style does more than convey the right message. It also helps to build trust with existing and potential customers.


5. Make The Description Scannable


The web design should encourage casual shoppers to read product descriptions. The same rule applies to the copy.


Blocks of text are a thing of the past. People nowadays have busy, dynamic lives, meaning they cannot spend much time reading about items they don’t necessarily need. Making the content scannable will enable them to locate the information they need to decide quickly.


Short, condensed phrases and paragraphs are easy to skim through and read and can provide customers with as many important details as their bulkier counterparts, especially when they are appropriately written.


6. Use Power Words


Certain words and phrases, known as “Power Words,” naturally evoke an emotional response. Luckily for businesses, they are also known to impact sales positively.

By strategically using power words, companies can more easily convince shoppers to trust their products/services and make a purchase.


Here’s a list of power words used by some of the finest and most talented copywriters in the marketing world.

Amazing Eye-Opening Miracle
Audacity Faith Pluck
Backbone Fearless Sensational
Belief Fulfil Spectacular
Blissful Grateful Spine
Bravery Grit Spirit
Breathtaking Guts Staggering
Cheer Happy Stunning
Conquer Heart Surprising
Courage Hero Triumph
Daring Hope Uplifting
Defiance Jaw-Dropping Valour
Delight Jubilant Victory
Devoted Magic Wonderful
Excited Mind-Blowing Wondrous


7. Use Quality Images


Writing the perfect description isn’t enough to attract new business and improve sales. Good content goes hand-in-hand with quality images. Why? Because a vast portion of customers believe product photos are more important than the presentation text.

Eye-catching images show not only the item but also its key features. They give life to products through colours, shadows, and light. They also tell a visual story.


These seven simple rules show that there is more to product descriptions than sales pitches. 


The main lesson is that such copies shouldn’t feel pushy. They should tell stories that highlight the unique characteristics of the described products/services.


Companies that experience problems with their product descriptions can rely on D&D Marketing to create appealing and captivating copies.